There are various color formats in our code (RGB, Int, String, Hex, Octal etc.
It would be very helpful if right-clicking on a color code and selecting the Color picker would initialize the picker to the selected color.
right clicking "#00FF00" or 0X00ff00 or RGB(0, 255, 0) or ARBG(255, 0 255, 0) would all show green as selected in the Color picker.
I can easily recognize green but mixed colors require a bit of work.
Maybe first select the color code text then get the color picker shows and if we change color in color picker then the color code in editor will be auto updated in same format.
In the meantime it should be easy to create an app with an alwayontop form and periodically check clipboard, parse the text and show the color. Paste back to B4X editor will be tricky but a copy to clipboard button on the form will be a simple method like current color picker.