Android Question IDE


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Hi All

Me again!

I am not sure if I am doing something wrong again.

I have different "Folders" in my IDE where I save different parts of my program. Under "Main Folder", I have all my modules where my coding sits for Design Input, Setting up Parameters, Surveying, etc.

In my "GPS Folder", I have all my coding for Base, Rover and NTRIP setup.

In my "Projections Folder", I have all the Projections for most of the Countries in the World.

In my "GlobalGPS Folder", I have codes that are common for the different GPS makes.


In each of these "Folders", I have Variables declared as Public in a Code Module. My problem is that I cannot access Public Variables from one "Folder" in another "Folder".

Am I doing something wrong again? Any hint will help.

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