Hello, I need help. A few days ago, the dialog request to the calendar no longer appears. I unistall to app and it install again and nothing :/
Previously it did show the dialog box on the first run
My code
Region Attributes:
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: My app
#Version: 1.0.28
#iPhoneOrientations: Portrait
#iPadOrientations: Portrait
#Target: iPhone
#ATSEnabled: True
#MinVersion: 11
#PlistExtra:<key>NSCalendarsUsageDescription</key><string>Agrega citas al calendario</string>
#End Region
If store.AuthorizationStatusEvents <> store.AUTHORIZATION_AUTHORIZED Then
If store.AuthorizationStatusEvents = store.AUTHORIZATION_NOT_DETERMINED Then
End If
End If
Hi, I added the code into the "store_AuthorizationGrantedEvents"
Request Access Events:
Sub store_AuthorizationGrantedEvents (Success As Boolean)
LogColor("StatusEvents: " & store.AuthorizationStatusEvents, Colors.Red)
If Success = False Then
Msgbox("Access denied. Please enable it under Settings", "")
End If
End Sub
The returned value is 0
Captura de pantalla 2024-01-15 a la(s) 9.50.27 a.m..png