If you have many conditions to check can you put them all in a single if?
For example if label1.text ="" and label2.text="" and lable3.text = "" then
Msgbox("Missing data", "Please fill all the boxes").
Maybe the way I show it is not right. What I wanted to do is when the operator click ok and the program start calculating the various entries you get a warning that some entries are missing. Many thanks
Yes this is fine. It is also useful in some instances because the If condition will stop at the first false condition, this can have nice speed benifits.
I am not sure if you are aware that the way yo have it, the message appears only when all labels are empty. But if you want the message to appear if any of them is blank, you need to do this:
if label1.text ="" or label2.text="" or lable3.text = "" then