Today my Windows 8.1 PC has installed few patches (Windows Update)
IF-Then is not executed when compare two Map values directly. (i've forced to pass to a variable)
My android.jar C:\Android-SDK\platforms\android-22\android.jar
My Javac.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_39\bin\javac.exe
B4A 5.02(1)
For example:
Dim LocationData As Map
LocationData = ListLocations.Get(i)
Dim svDevices As ScrollView = locationPanel.GetView(5)
Dim MapDevices As Map = JSON_DEVICES.NextObject
Dim m As Map = MapDevices.Get("data")
Dim ListDevices As List = m.Get("devices")
Dim lstPos As Int = 0
For j = 0 To ListDevices.Size - 1
m = ListDevices.Get(j)
If LocationData.Get("id") = m.Get("id") Then
I need to pass the LocationData.Get("id") and m.Get("id") result to a Int variable then compare it and it work.
Before the Windows update all works ok!