If there a basic4ppc VB Eval()


Licensed User
Im trying to convert a sum say (1*6+3) as a string

in vb you use :-


which evalutes and calculates. =9 etc

is there a way to do this in Basic4ppc?


Licensed User
Thanks Erel,

Ive tried running the example but im getting syntax errors, and the module has some, was this for an earlier version than 6.80?


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I think that the problem is that this code was adapted to v6.90 with the variables typing.
You can find the same code that will work with your version under the samples folder.
It is located under c:\program files\anywhere software\basic4ppc desktop\samples

Forget the demo (I don't understand it either
I don't understand as well it is an implementation of this:
Cramer's rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which solves linear equations.
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