Wish #ifdef - #else - #endif

Robert Valentino

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I am nearing the end of a project I have been working on and now have the task of how to handle multiple versions a Trial / Free version and a paying version.

It sure would be nice if the B4A development IDE allowed us to have #ifdef so we could define a global variable to the compiler and then use it to test what code to compile.

#ifdef _TRAIL_OR_TEST_VERSION <-- Would be defined somewhere in the IDE interface
... compile this code
... compile this code

I do this in Visual Studio all the time
#ifdef _DEBUG
.. If compiling in Debug Mode include this code

I think this is something that Erel could add pretty easily - I noticed the compiler when generating the java code dumps all the comments I put in my code, so why can we not dump or include all the code in a #ifdef

Just a thought to make supporting multiple version easier.



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There is no such function in B4A but you can use this Tool from @MaFu .

Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
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Yes I understand B4A does not support this, that is why I put it on the Wish List.

Your tool looks very interesting but I believe we need something directly supported by B4A



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Yes I understand B4A does not support this, that is why I put it on the Wish List.
Your tool looks very interesting but I believe we need something directly supported by B4A

It´s not my tool.
I understand that you want this feature in b4a directly built-in. I´m with you :)


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Bumping it up for v4.00
In 3.82, #If and #End If are supported but #Else or #Else If are not. Please support them in v4.


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Reminding that the "build configurations" enable you to do it.


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Yes, but when you have multiple such macros, number of build configuration increases exponentially!