I'm looking for an "old" post (or thread)


Licensed User
Longtime User
A little more clear explanation.. is it the knob example?


Licensed User
Longtime User
YES, it is! Many thanks!!!

Now, I must ask you:

how did you found it? Have you used it?

I have downloaded many files (perhaps too many), it also, but I could not find it on my pc!
Even using the "Search" of the site, I could not.

Thanks again.


Active Member
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Longtime User
A couple of weeks ago I needed some Painting and Canvas methods, so I found that thread. The 3D listview called my attention and I marked to play with it sometime (but I didn't do it yet). At first I didn't understood your question, but then with your highly elaborated graphic () I recall the 3d listview in the thread I marked, so there you go haha
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