Dim p As Panel = CustomListView1.GetPanel(0) 'Get the panel of the item you need to modify. Here is 0, so the first item in the CLV
Dim iv As ImageView = p.GetView(0) 'Get a reference to the ImageView to modify. 0 if imageview is the first view in the panel. It depends on your Views Tree
iv.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(dir, image_filename) 'Change the image
Dim p As Panel = CustomListView1.GetPanel(0) 'Get the panel of the item you need to modify. Here is 0, so the first item in the CLV
Dim iv As ImageView = p.GetView(0) 'Get a reference to the ImageView to modify. 0 if imageview is the first view in the panel. It depends on your Views Tree
iv.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(dir, image_filename) 'Change the image