Wish Image(url)


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Longtime User
Would it be possible to have image from url added ?
equivalent to java
public static Image ImageFromURL(String url){
          return new Image(url);
I have coded it in the #if java block, but it's a pain to have to use runmethod(...) etc to access it.
So it could become
Dim img As Image
img  = ImageFromURL(theURL)

As I am currently trying
but this changes the slashes and you get a file not found error when the address is in a string variable.


B4X founder
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While the code you posted looks nice and simple it downloads the image on the main thread which will cause the whole app to freeze until it completes.

You can use this sub to call this code without inline java:
Sub ImageFromUrl(url As String) As Image
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   jo.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.image.Image", Array(url))
   Return jo
End Sub
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