I am using ImageDownloader.
I have a customelistview that shows the file names that can be downloaded. The user is given the option to download any file by clicking on the appropriate label on the customlistview.
I want to color the label to after the file is downloaded. The problem is if the user presses 4 or 5 labels continuously, and the links get queued in HTTP Job, how can I determine in JobDone which label's file was downloaded so that I can color it? Hope this makes sense.
It's easy to color as the user presses, but I want color it after the download has completed.
I have a customelistview that shows the file names that can be downloaded. The user is given the option to download any file by clicking on the appropriate label on the customlistview.
I want to color the label to after the file is downloaded. The problem is if the user presses 4 or 5 labels continuously, and the links get queued in HTTP Job, how can I determine in JobDone which label's file was downloaded so that I can color it? Hope this makes sense.
It's easy to color as the user presses, but I want color it after the download has completed.