Thanks, that works. It's still a workaround, but better than the other option.
I have some other issues with image slider of which I have solved two of them:
I need to update a label showing the image title. The title comes from a JSON structure together with the image source and a target url. Updating the label in the GetImage handler does not work because of caching.
I have solved it by creating a new handler, OnShow. In the end of ShowImage I have added:
CallSub2(mCallBack, mEventName & "_OnShow", CurrentIndex)
And the handler is then:
Sub ImageSlider1_OnShow (Index As Int)
Dim image As Map
image = Starter.imageList.Get(Index)
lblSlider.Text = image.get("title")
End Sub
May I propose that you update the library with such a handler as I think it could be useful for many developers?
My next issue is that I would like a click handler for the current image. So if you press it, some action will happen such as opening an url in my case.
I found a
solution here (please note that there is a typo in your post, a missing double quote)
Again, wouldn't it be a good idea to add this handler to the library? I have spent a couple of hours trying different solutions until I stumpled upon this post. It would be nice if this worked "out of the box" so to speak. And for developers who don't need, it doesn't do any harm.
This version is probably better because you get the index
Lastly, I would like the slider to have rounded corners. If I add a corner radius, it shows up initially, but as soon as the first image is loaded, the rounded corners are gone. Then I though I was smart and added a background panel and gave that rounded corners. But alas, again as soon as the image shows up, the rounded corners disappear.
I can't figure out why, so how do I add permanent rounded corners to the image slider?