I don't know the right definition...
I use a Tool in wich it is named "Streched proportional".
I have not been able to get this "simple" thing:
(boxes represent some ImageView. On the right the two loaded files)
I tried with "normal" code, and also using the Informatix's BetterImageView library.
I post one of the 100 attempts.
Sub FitCenterBitmap(Imv As ImageView, Dir As String, FileName As String)
Imv.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
Private bmp As Bitmap = LoadBitmap(Dir, FileName)
Private NewBmp As Bitmap
Private NewBmpWidth, NewBmpHeight As Int
Private ImvBmpWRatio, ImvBmpHRatio As Float
Private ScaleFactor As Float
ImvBmpWRatio = Imv.Width / bmp.Width
ImvBmpHRatio = Imv.Height / bmp.Height
If ImvBmpWRatio < ImvBmpHRatio Then
ScaleFactor = ImvBmpWRatio
ScaleFactor = ImvBmpHRatio
End If
NewBmpWidth = bmp.Width * ScaleFactor
NewBmpHeight = bmp.Height * ScaleFactor
NewBmp = CreateScaledBitmap(bmp, NewBmpWidth, NewBmpHeight)
Imv.Bitmap = NewBmp
End Sub
(I already know that the great Klaus will make me feel ashamed, solving it in two minutes )
[P.S. I would prefer even better quality/definition, of course]
Now there are at least two Klaus (Klaus Matle and ... Klaus).
I like to call Klaus: the "great Klaus", but Matle may not be small , so we could call the first one: "fully Klaus" - see his profile.
this seems to do what you want, it's not perfect but I didn't have much time to work on it.
the attached image shows how it works.
Sub draw
Dim w,h,cx,cy,s,px,py As Int
Dim r As Float
Dim p As Path
s=DateTime.Now/1000 Mod 60
For x=0 To s
px = cx + r * Cos(2 * 3.14 * (x+45) / 60)
py = cy + r * Sin(2 * 3.14 * (x+45) / 60)
End Sub
Sub FitCenterBitmap(Imv As ImageView, Dir As String, FileName As String)
Private bmp As Bitmap = LoadBitmap(Dir, FileName)
Private cvs As Canvas
Dim rectDest As Rect
Dim delta As Int
If bmp.Width / bmp.Height > Imv.Width / Imv.Height Then
delta = (Imv.Height - bmp.Height / bmp.Width * Imv.Width) / 2
rectDest.Initialize(0, delta,Imv.Width, Imv.Height - delta)
delta = (Imv.Width - bmp.Width / bmp.Height * Imv.Height) / 2
rectDest.Initialize(delta, 0, Imv.Width - delta, Imv.Height)
End If
cvs.DrawBitmap(bmp, Null, rectDest)
End Sub
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what exactly you mean.
Do you want to take only a square part of the original image ?
Then you need to load the original bitmap and copy the square part onto ImageView.
If you want to move the image you could use a square ScrollView2D view and put the original image onto the internal panel of ScrollView2D.
And does this resize the image to the dimensions of the imageview (create a smaller filesize)?
If you copy only a part of the bitmap and then release the original bitmap I suppose that the memory needed would be reduced.
But I'm not sure, have never made any test to prove it.
I guess I did leave it a bit vague. Lol. Here is a better explanation. It all boils back the the Wear data layer lib again. wear data layer can pass bitmaps and files as assets. Obviously because the wear device screen is very small it is said to compress the bitmaps. In my demo app I'm using a basic profile as an example. Profile image, name, age. The image is selected by tapping the square image view and that starts the son tent chooser. I would like the image view to show the selected image. This currently working with your above code to fit to image view. To make it look a little better I would like it show a full square. So the square will show full width and crop top and bottom of length. Does that make sense? Can't really show an example as I'm on phone right now. I then need to to send this with the other info to wear network do don't want to send the full 14 mega pixel image.
Sub SetImage(imv As ImageView, DirName As String, ImageName As String)
Dim rectSource, rectDest As Rect
Dim delta As Int
Dim bmp As Bitmap
Dim cvs As Canvas
rectDest.Initialize(0, 0, imv.Width, imv.Height)
bmp.Initialize(DirName, ImageName)
If bmp.Width > bmp.Height Then
delta = (bmp.Width - bmp.Height) / 2
rectSource.Initialize(delta, 0, bmp.Width - delta, bmp.Height)
delta = (bmp.Height - bmp.Width) / 2
rectSource.Initialize(0, delta, bmp.Width, bmp.Height - delta)
End If
cvs.DrawBitmap(bmp,rectSource, rectDest)
Dim jo = bmp As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("recycle", Null)
End Sub
The ImageView must be square.
The smaller side of the image fills the ImageView.
The bigger side is equally croped on both sides.
The original bitmap is relcycled at the end to free memory.
I don't think that there is an 'official' way to recycle bitmaps.
Normaly there should be no need to recycle views, but for big bitmaps it can help to avoid 'Out of memory' propblems.