I have imageview clickable on HugeImageView
I want the imageview to stay at same position of the image in HugeImageView when I zoom or scroll it. The imageview will not stay fixed at same place on screen.
Step 1: add an Updated event at the end of HugeImageView.SetImageViewLayout: CallSub(mCallBack, mEventName & "_Updated") Step 2: in the page class Sub Class_Globals Private Root As B4XView Private xui As XUI Private HugeImageView1 As HugeImageView Private ImageView1 As...
I try many thing and I going crasy
I can't find what I want. It's over my skill
I up load a small project
In my huge jpg file I add a circle (black and red). When you move the huge file, the circle move too. Because it is a single file.
Then it's what I want to do for three others flashing circle (click on it).
Step 1: add an Updated event at the end of HugeImageView.SetImageViewLayout: CallSub(mCallBack, mEventName & "_Updated") Step 2: in the page class Sub Class_Globals Private Root As B4XView Private xui As XUI Private HugeImageView1 As HugeImageView Private ImageView1 As...