Erel, all pictures are 3264x2448 pixels.
Some time ago, I worked with this code using Gingerbread. I have recovered it and it's exactly the same that in the first post. It worked fine using that OS, and using the same resolution: before had a SG2 and now a SG3, but photos are always taken in max resolution (about 3 Mb per photo).
Dim c As Canvas
Dim b As Bitmap
Dim i As ImageView
Dim brect As Rect
b.Initialize(File.DirRootExternal, "picture1.jpg")
Activity.AddView( i, 0, 0, b.Width, b.Height)
brect.Initialize(0,0,b.Width, b.Height)
c.DrawBitmap(b, brect, brect)
please, any idea?
Thanks you Erel
Best regards.