I finally managed to "understand" the principle of the .9.png files
I now have a scrollview, with panels in it,
every panel contains an imageview, a few labels etc ...
My images do have rounded corners in the same color as my panels,
and whenever I click on a panel, the panel changes color, and the rounded
corners of my images, do get the same color as the new panel color
not bad, after just a few days of coding with basic4android, I wish that M$ products where also that easy to use
(I used to develop in M$ C# .NET, but now I'm "promoted" to business-line analyst/architect, so I leave the "dirty coding" to someone else during my job, I only write software (android, Microchip PIC, Atmel AVR etc ...) during my "spare time" for hobby-projects
thank you once again,