Android Question Immersivemode wrong?


Licensed User
I tried immersive mode in this example. It seems that this behaves somewhat different as I expected on my phone with notch and Android 9. (Android One edition)
The screen starts beneath the statusbar and therefore the bottom of the screen, including the redframe isn't visible.
I included some screenshots. So are my expectations wrong or does the example behaves different?

Without the bars visible
With the bars visible


Licensed User
Thanks for your help.
I tried your example on a phone with notch and without notch.

On the phone with notch:
The red frame was visible now but I noticed that the statusbar area still isn't used. Is this the way it should work?

On the phone without notch, a 16:9 ratio screen and hardwarebuttons the example app shows on startup a white bar at the bottom. This bar appears not always strange enough.
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Licensed User
I saw the 'Add android:windowLayoutInDisplayCutoutMode = shortEdges' remark in the source code too late. I tried this and this works for the statusbar part but then a white bar appears at the bottom.
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