Wish Implement Theme.MaterialComponents.*


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In reference to my question How to implement Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight ?

Currently, it does not seem possible to use Material Design components for Android (https://material.io/). Probably there is a conflict between the android.support.* libraries, pre-defined for B4A, and those needed to implement the Theme.MaterialComponents.*.

Extract from Getting Started Guide : "Note: You should not use the com.android.support and com.google.android.material dependencies in your app at the same time."

In a future version of B4A, would it be possible to exploit the material.io components?

Best regards.


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It's possible to use material components right now but creating wrappers for them isn't that simple. Some Java knowledge is required to do that.

You can start with something simple, like a MaterialButton and expand to more complicated stuff like Snackbar, BottomNavigationView, MaterialDatePicker and TextInputLayout. I've created some of these for private use. Then there's stuff like NavigationView (navigation drawer) which are a lot more complicated.

If you're interested in making a wrapper, you can check the tutorials and try decompiling the existing AppCompat and DesignSupport libraries if you get stuck. Alternatively you could maybe post a job offer for someone else to create wrappers for the components that you need.

I haven't experimented with the DayNight theme, only using the default theme.

SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@style/Theme.MaterialComponents")


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Hi Spavlyuk,

Thank you for your quick response. I have already tried it, but the build crashes :
"AndroidManifest.xml:15: error: resource style/Theme.MaterialComponents (aka b4a.example:style/Theme.MaterialComponents) not found.
error: failed processing manifest."

I have decompiled the AppCompat library, but I don't understand how to make the link with Android themes. I have created many libraries in Java, but on this point I stall.

Best regards.
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