Is 35 secs for the first compile, which is always slower, or subsequent compiles?
In Release mode it takes ~15 for the subsequent compilations.
Compilation will depend on CPU, Memory and Harddisk. Again the task manager will help pinpoint if there any bottlenecks
During compilation, the CPU peaks at ~80% (for very short period of times, ~40% for the rest), memory peaks at ~30% (splitted across several processes), GPU at 2% and SSD at 1% all the time.
If the CPU is the bottleneck, I wonder why does not go to 100%.
What is strange is that during the compilation (only), a process named NV.Display.Container.exe peaks to 50% of the 96GB RAM.
This is normally related to nVIDIA tray icon. This does not happen with other applications.
During compilation, the most time consuming phases are:
Compiling resources (2.43s)
Linking resources (0.86s)
Compiling generated Java code. (5.30s)
Dex code (6.40s)
Dex merge (5.50s)
Copying libraries resources (1.34s)
Signing package file (private key). (1.42s)