Android Question In-App Purchase & android.test.purchased


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Hi to all,
I'm testing In-App purchase using "android.test.purchased" account.

I verified all the steps suggested in the tutorial but I got the following error :

Purchase signature verification FAILED for sku android.test.purchased
Signature verification failed for Product ID android.test.purchased (response: -1003:purchase signature verification failed)

Any Idea?


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Now I got the following response within the log :

Starting async operation: launchPurchaseFlow
Constructing buy intent for android.test.purchased, item type: inapp
Unable to buy item, Error response: 7:Item Already Owned
Unable to buy item (response: 7:Item Already Owned)

The only info that I got from _PurchaseCompleted event is the Success = false.
How to catch the error response code within the _PurchaseCompleted event ?
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Check LastException. This error means that you have already purchased this item. You should call ConsumeProduct to remove it.

I called ConsumeProduct than I restart the purchase process and the result is the following :

1) In-App purchase UI says purchase OK.
2) The _PurchaseCompleted event report Success = false with the following error in log :

Purchase signature verification FAILED for sku android.test.purchased
Signature verification failed for Product ID android.test.purchased (response: -1003purchase signature verification failed)

After this if I ask a new purchase I got :

"Unable to buy item, Error response: 7:Item Already Owned"

So before I got a "Signature verification failed" in purchase process and than It seem Owned ?
I'm I little confused. :)
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Hi! I also have like that problem!
I start the purchase process and the result is the following :

1) In-App purchase UI says purchase OK.
2) The _PurchaseCompleted event report Success = false with the following error in log :

Purchase signature verification FAILED for sku android.test.purchased
Signature verification failed for Product ID android.test.purchased (response: -1003purchase signature verification failed)
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Try to test it with a real account and with real purchases. You can later cancel the orders.

Hi @Erel,
I test the in-app purchase flow with real accounts set as test account in the developer console.
My implementation seem to work fine also when user cancel the in-app purchase window (es. back key or touching the home screen).

The only problem is when the user press the home key while the in-app purchase window is open : the pause event is raised but the purchase flow still active.
When the user reopen the app a payment request is required and I got an error that say :
"Can't start async operation (launchPurchaseFlow) because another async operation(launchPurchaseFlow) is in progress."

So seem that the last payment flow still active also when the app is paused.
I think I have to catch the error or prevent it by cancel the payment flow (if active) when the "pause" event is raised. Right ?
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When I press on the home button and then back to the app the dialog is still there. Are you doing anything special in Activity_Pause or Resume?

Nothing of special in Activity_Pause or Resume.
You tested the in-app dialog within the main activity ?
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I'm implementing the in-app purchase using a class within a Activity x different from Main activity.
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It shouldn't matter. It should still return to the last activity. Though I've seen cases where on some devices (or versions) it does return to the main activity.

Is this what you are seeing?

@Erel I have to test it to better and than I give you more details.
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