In Erel’s example on PreferenceDialog the Options feature displays items in the list (cities list), but the screen shows a small number of items. I tried a few ways to increase the height and width, to no avail
I tried these 2 lines of code with no effect:
prefdialog.mBase.Height =500dip 'no effect and no error
prefdialog.CustomListView1.AsView.Height=500dip 'no effect and no error
Dim st As B4XSearchTemplate = prefdialog.SearchTemplate
Dim pane As Panel = st.GetPanel(prefdialog.Dialog) 'Get the main panel
pane.Height=600dip 'Set Desired Height
Dim lv As B4XView = st.CustomListView1.AsView 'Get the List View
lv.Height=pane.Height 'Set Same as Parent
Dim sv As B4XView=lv.GetView(0) 'Get the Scroll View
Dim pane As Panel = st.GetPanel(prefdialog.Dialog) 'Get the main panel
pane.Height=600dip 'Set Desired Height
Dim lv As B4XView = st.CustomListView1.AsView 'Get the List View
lv.Height=pane.Height 'Set Same as Parent
Dim sv As B4XView=lv.GetView(0) 'Get the Scroll View
Why do I need all the above code when I can accomplish the same using one line shown below since we are dealing with a B4XSearchTemplate which is re-sizable.: