Marco Verdata
New Member
Hi all
We are developing an app for an Android device that has an integrated thermal printer. This device includes .aar files that we are adding, and through a static Java class, we call the necessary methods to perform the printing. Everything has been working perfectly, except for one method that checks whether the printer has paper or not. This particular method is returning the printer's status at the moment the application is loaded. If there are any changes to the paper status during the app's usage, it does not reflect them.
We have an example developed in Flutter that uses the same .aar file, and in that case, it works perfectly. It seems that the method's result is being cached or something similar. We understand that, since this is a third-party library, there could be other factors at play, but if possible, we would appreciate any assistance.
Thank you in advance.
We are developing an app for an Android device that has an integrated thermal printer. This device includes .aar files that we are adding, and through a static Java class, we call the necessary methods to perform the printing. Everything has been working perfectly, except for one method that checks whether the printer has paper or not. This particular method is returning the printer's status at the moment the application is loaded. If there are any changes to the paper status during the app's usage, it does not reflect them.
We have an example developed in Flutter that uses the same .aar file, and in that case, it works perfectly. It seems that the method's result is being cached or something similar. We understand that, since this is a third-party library, there could be other factors at play, but if possible, we would appreciate any assistance.
Thank you in advance.
Java definition:
#if Java
import com.elgin.e1.Impressora.Termica;
import com.elgin.e1.Comunicacao.ConUSB;
import com.elgin.minipdvm8.PrinterManager;
public boolean _onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu menu) {
processBA.raiseEvent(null, "create_menu", menu);
return true;
public String getAndroidVersion() {
String release = android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
int sdkVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
//return "Android SDK: " + sdkVersion + " (" + release +")";
return release;
public static class PrinterService {
public boolean isPrinterInternSelected;
public Activity obj;
public PrinterService() {
public void setActivity(Activity param) {
obj = param;
public int printerInternalImpStart() {
int result = Termica.AbreConexaoImpressora(5, "", "", 0);
if (result == 0) this.isPrinterInternSelected = true;
return result;
public int printerExternalImpStartByBT(String model, String address) {
int result = Termica.AbreConexaoImpressora(4, model, address, 0);
if (result == 0) this.isPrinterInternSelected = false;
return result;
public int printerExternalImpStartByIP(String model, String ip, int port) {
try {
int result = Termica.AbreConexaoImpressora(3, model, ip, port);
if (result == 0) this.isPrinterInternSelected = false;
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
return printerInternalImpStart();
public int printerExternalImpStartByUSB(String model) {
try {
int result = Termica.AbreConexaoImpressora(1, model, "USB", 0);
if (result == 0) this.isPrinterInternSelected = false;
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
return printerInternalImpStart();
public void printerStop() {
public int AvancaLinhas(int lines) {
return Termica.AvancaPapel(lines);
public int cutPaper(int lines) {
return Termica.Corte(lines);
public int imprimeTexto(String text, String align, String font, int fontSize, boolean isUnderline, boolean isBold) {
int result = 0;
int alignValue = 0;
int styleValue = 0;
switch (align) {
case "Esquerda":
alignValue = 0;
case "Centralizado":
alignValue = 1;
alignValue = 2;
if (font.equals("FONT B")) {
styleValue += 1;
if (isUnderline) {
styleValue += 2;
if (isBold) {
styleValue += 8;
result = Termica.ImpressaoTexto(text, alignValue, styleValue, fontSize);
return result;
private int codeOfBarCode(String barCodeName) {
switch (barCodeName) {
case "UPC-A":
return 0;
case "UPC-E":
return 1;
case "EAN 13":
case "JAN 13":
return 2;
case "EAN 8":
case "JAN 8":
return 3;
case "CODE 39":
return 4;
case "ITF":
return 5;
case "CODE BAR":
return 6;
case "CODE 93":
return 7;
case "CODE 128":
return 8;
throw new AssertionError(barCodeName);
public int imprimeBarCode(int barCodeType, String text, int height, int width, String align) {
final int hri = 4; // NO PRINT
final int result;
final int alignValue;
switch (align) {
case "Esquerda":
alignValue = 0;
case "Centralizado":
alignValue = 1;
alignValue = 2;
result = Termica.ImpressaoCodigoBarras(barCodeType, text, height, width, hri);
return result;
public int imprimeQR_CODE(int size, String text, String align) {
final int nivelCorrecao = 2;
final int result;
final int alignValue;
switch (align) {
case "Esquerda":
alignValue = 0;
case "Centralizado":
alignValue = 1;
alignValue = 2;
result = Termica.ImpressaoQRCode(text, size, nivelCorrecao);
return result;
public int imprimeXMLNFCe(String xmlNFCe, int indexcsc, String csc, int param) {
return Termica.ImprimeXMLNFCe(xmlNFCe, indexcsc, csc, param);
public int imprimeXMLSAT(String xml, int param) {
return Termica.ImprimeXMLSAT(xml, param);
//public int imprimeCupomTEF(String base64) {
// return Termica.ImprimeCupomTEF(base64);
public int statusGaveta() {
return Termica.StatusImpressora(1);
public int abrirGaveta() {
return Termica.AbreGavetaElgin();
public int statusSensorPapel() {
return Termica.StatusImpressora(3);
#End If
Call to method:
Dim act As JavaObject
'= Me
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.InitializeNewInstance("com.verdata.pdv.main.PrinterService", Null)
jo.RunMethod("setActivity", Array(act))
jo.RunMethod("printerInternalImpStart", Null)
'verificar impressora sem papel
Dim status As Int
status = jo.RunMethod("statusSensorPapel", Null)
MsgboxAsync(status, "Status")
jo.RunMethod("printerStop", Null)