Android Question insert intodatabase queries data from textebox


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The values that I want to insert into the database queries are entered by user in a textebox . Which is the right syntax to include them ?

For example, ' Jane ' and ' Jones ' are the values that I should have in textbox

'insert data and the image to the database
SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO Persons VALUES( NULL, 'Jane', 'Jones' ,?)", Array As Object(Buffer))


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Is it just one textbox? Because in that case you would need to split the text into different variables.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok, thank's a lot, it work perfect. If i want also change the Table of the database i have to do in the same way?

SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO " & myesit3.text & " VALUES( NULL, ?, ? ,?)", ArrayAs Object(myedit1.text, myedit2.text, Buffer))
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Learn SQL basics!

Insert always INSERTS a new entry.
Which command is used to update one or more entries in a table?

But if you are talking about the principle of using parametrized parameters. Yes, this will work with update and delete statements as well.
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