Installation / Compilation question


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Hello, I bought and installed basic4ppc today and tried the first program in the tutorials, and the program works but as soon as I try to compile it I get the message

Error message "Cannot locate .Net Framework 2.0 files."

I get automatically transferred to a webpage with this message, I click the link
which takes me to a Microsoft website which leads me to download "dotnetfx.exe", problem is when I try to run that I just get a message that .net is already installed.

Can anyone point me in the right direction (I'm running Windows Vista)

Thanks :sign0085:


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Hello seasider,

you have to install the Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 on your desktop.

Just look here!



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Thanks for the quick replies, but still a problem,

I couldn't install Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 on the desktop,
as when I try to run dotnetfx.exe I get an error message
which says:

This product is already installed as part of the operating system

I also tried compiling from "my documents" and got the same problem.

Can you help further.

Thanks in advance


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With Vista you will already have .NET 3.5 installed. Look and see if you have this path on your system

ignore the space in exe, it's a forum artifact

If you don't, tell us what folders you have in



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To agraham, Yes I have

\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.ex e

but it's not part of the PATH displayed by the PATH command in a DOS shell?

thanks in advance again


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To agraham,

:sign0161: what a wally, my excuse is that I had been working since 6:00 am and it was late at night.

yes the error was

Error message "Cannot locate .Net Compact Framework 2.0 files."

When I downloaded the NETCFSetupv2.msi and installed that, it worked.:sign0060:

Thank you, much appreciated.

Thanks for all comments, now to learn how to use it.


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I had the same problem with windows 7.
Installing NETCFSetupv2.msi solved the problem