Wish Integrate Git into B4X


Licensed User
Longtime User
This has been discussed several times already. Use the search to find those threads.

(Good idea to also search for it before posting a new wish, repetition doesn't really help.)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Github Desktop works quite good when configured like this: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/github.127723/post-800227
This is a topic that comes up now and then, perhaps it would make sense for a small tutorial on how one can use git(*) without it being integrated into the IDE?

(*) There are alternatives, like mercurial (which I use), but I imagine if the tutorial covered git it would reach the most users. Users of other solutions could perhaps add their way of working to the comments to the tutorial?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I know that. But we keep getting requests for integration into the IDE so I thought a very small tutorial would help those aching for it.
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