I'm trying to send a .zip file to LineApp in my code as below, but the .zip seems broken and couldn't be opened on LineApp.
I used to send .mp3 to lineApp, it's totally ok. I was just wondering what's wrong with .zip file
Is 2.3MB zip file too big to be sent?
Thanks for help
Albert Lim
Sub ToLineApp_ZipFile( FullName As String)
Dim i As Intent, u As Uri, pm As PackageManager, theApp As String, ext As String
u.Parse("file://" & FullName )
i.Initialize(i.ACTION_SEND, "")
End Sub
There are several versioned components that affect the compilation process and the runtime behavior of our apps. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the differences between them and help you choose which version to use. Each Android version is mapped to an api level. You can see this...
There are several versioned components that affect the compilation process and the runtime behavior of our apps. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the differences between them and help you choose which version to use. Each Android version is mapped to an api level. You can see this...