Hey, I have a different developer who isnt familiar with B4A, and codes natively with the android environment.
So to get our two apps to speak together, we have chosen to use Intents assuming they will work as intended.
His program is a background service.
Mine is a foreground activity.
But for some reason, I cant get intents to work. it keeps crashing with ActivityNotFoundException.
His background service manefest has this:
<receiver android:name="com.majordisplay.jashanno.broadcastreceivertest.PacketReceiver">
<action android:name="com.majordisplay.jashanno.packetbroadcast"/>
My intent code is this:
Any ideas?
So to get our two apps to speak together, we have chosen to use Intents assuming they will work as intended.
His program is a background service.
Mine is a foreground activity.
But for some reason, I cant get intents to work. it keeps crashing with ActivityNotFoundException.
His background service manefest has this:
<receiver android:name="com.majordisplay.jashanno.broadcastreceivertest.PacketReceiver">
<action android:name="com.majordisplay.jashanno.packetbroadcast"/>
My intent code is this:
Sub cmdSendIntent_Click()
Dim Intent1 As Intent
Intent1.Initialize("com.majordisplay.jashanno.broadcastreceivertest.PacketReceiver", "")
Intent1.PutExtra("value", txtPacket.Text)
ToastMessageShow("Intent Sent", True)
End Sub
Any ideas?