Ciao, ho provato con Activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) ad intercettare i tasti home e menu del telefono ma non ha avuto esito positivo, come si fa? si puo?
Hello and thanks for your help, I've been looking for a long time how to lock the home button, and I finally solved it by editing the manifest, it's my app now it's the main launcer. By pressing the home button my app is always active, now I need to call up the menu of the other apps from my...
Per il tasto menu prova questo (non so se funziona)
Is there any way to track menukey_click directly? I'd like to create a popup-menu or start an activity immediately on keypress. Activity.AddMenuItem needs an aditional click I want to avoid. Thx Nikolaus
Is there any way to track menukey_click directly? I'd like to create a popup-menu or start an activity immediately on keypress. Activity.AddMenuItem needs an aditional click I want to avoid. Thx Nikolaus