Intermittent error (unexpected signature)


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I have my first B4A app working nicely but I get two intermittent errors which I don't understand the cause of.

I utilised the new WebView page finished event (possibly incorrectly?) like this:

Sub WebView1_PageFinished
Label1.Text = "You are here...."
End Sub

And every now and then I get a brief error that there was a java.lang exception in the above sub and that "signature does not match expected signature"

And again the exact same error message from this routine:

Sub Http_ResponseError (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int, StatusCode As Int)
If StatusCode = -1 Then ToastMessageShow("The phone appears to be offline", True)
   ProgressDialogHide ' close the progress dialog
End Sub

Am I missing something obvious that I can correct?

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