Invisible panel over Listview : event catching

Dirk A

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Longtime User
Hi ,

In my activity I have a listview with an transparent panel over it. I'm using the panel because I also want to catch 'touch' events .
so i basically have 2 events :
Panel_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float) ...
ListV_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object) ...

My problem is : when I'm in the touch event of the panel , on some occasions I need to call the itemclick event of the listview , but i don't know how to convert my x,y parameters (of the touch) to the position needed for the itemclick.
Do I have to calculate it myself, using the height of the listview, itemheight and the x,y coordinates ... or is there an easier way to do this
thank you in advance
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