Android Question Invoking a Inline Method Class with Activity


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Hi there !

I am trying to wrap a library and I am having a big issue in passing the Activity for the java method:

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    If FirstTime Then
    End If
    nexupayment = nexu.InitializeNewInstance("yashar.ynexu.main.nexutransaction", Null)

    nexupayment.RunMethod("Ativar", Array(GetContext, Activity))
End Sub

#if java
import android.content.Context;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import ca.nexu.nexupayment.NexuPayment;
import ca.nexu.nexupayment.NexuPaymentPrinterListener;
import ca.nexu.nexupayment.NexuPaymentTransactionListener;

public static class nexutransaction implements NexuPaymentTransactionListener, NexuPaymentPrinterListener {

    public nexutransaction() {
        // Required empty public constructor

    public NexuPayment nexuPayment;

    public void Ativar(Context c, Activity a) {


        nexuPayment = new NexuPayment(this, c, a, null, null);

I get this:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: Ativar not matched.

Tried other ways using BA.activity

What is the correct way to use the activity inside the Java Inline code. ?


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Jeffrey Cameron

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I don't know enough about Java to give you a coherent answer. I would try utilizing the method illustrated in the post:
Dim J as JavaObject
nexupayment.RunMethod("Ativar", Array(GetContext, j))
and see if that works or not.
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At least it let me call the method but gives this error
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Jeffrey Cameron

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I can't tell what the error is from that screenshot (the relevant portion is below your capture). It's generally best to post the logs as text using the insert code tags (if it's too long you can wrap the code tags in the Spoiler tags to shorten it).
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