I am trying to use Erels
Example for using an bluetooth device HC-05 with an arduino Mega. My problem is that the example code won't connect to the Bluetooth device. I am using the example as it is but has change the name of the device to linvor. I have downloaded Bluetooth terminal from google play and the device functioned as it should with this so the problem appears to be in the example.
/Added. Oh and if I step though the code 9 out of 10 times i does connect.
the line I change is line 27 in starter
the log shows
Device found: Gear Fit2 (F2AD)
Device found: Gear Fit2 (F2AD)
Device found: linvor
Trying to connect...
Device found: linvor
Trying to connect...
(IOException) java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
(IOException) java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1