iOS Question iOS device for development


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello there, can you give recommendation for minimal (cheap) iOS development device, best for 3 until 5 years ahead, i know there's simulator but unfortunately it cannot provide good simulation like android one, especially camera, thanks.

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
Apple offers 5-6 years of software updates for an iphone.

The oldest iphone that got the latest ios version is the iPhone XR and XS which was introduced in 2018, the iPhone X which was introduced in 2017 did not get it anymore.

You can use this information to calculate which model is right for you. You're talking about 3-5 years, which is a big range.

If 5 years: iPhone 15
If 3 years: iPhone 13

Otherwise you could also consider the iPhone SE3, which is the budget phone from apple that came out in 2022.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you. Yeah i forgot ip se 3rd gen is out there. It is a bit classy with physical button, i think i will buy that, thanks.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello there, can you give recommendation for minimal (cheap) iOS development device, best for 3 until 5 years ahead, i know there's simulator but unfortunately it cannot provide good simulation like android one, especially camera, thanks.
Hello I'm developing/testing on an iPhone 8 Plus without problem, and it's not expensive according to me, using the hosted builder
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