iOS Question iOS error Solved


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For three days, the compiler worked for me without errors. This morning, however, I can no longer compile any programs.
Copying updated assets files (1)
SignalHandler 6
Error occurred on line: 40 (Main)
Signal - 6
Stack Trace: (
"0 B4i Example SignalHandler + 120",
"1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00000001ebbeae9c 4B4E9E32-2E40-3578-99C1-CD1C907B8CE5 + 3740",
"2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001d7edbc84 21EE5290-D119-3C31-B948-431865A67738 + 212100",
"3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001d7edbcb8 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 212152",
"4 TCC DE597079-E46F-3FEF-8A5A-869B7B52AB4B + 33572",
"5 TCC DE597079-E46F-3FEF-8A5A-869B7B52AB4B + 11168",
"6 TCC DE597079-E46F-3FEF-8A5A-869B7B52AB4B + 31308",
"7 libxpc.dylib CD0F76A8-713A-3FDB-877E-386B089BC2D1 + 130864",
"8 libxpc.dylib CD0F76A8-713A-3FDB-877E-386B089BC2D1 + 75488",
"9 libdispatch.dylib 5F66CDB6-08A9-3615-8C6A-4E3B47005495 + 15956"

Line 40: End sub

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