iOS Question IOS Publication error


Licensed User
Good morning,

I am encountering the following error when uploading the application to Transporter for publishing on the Apple Store. The screenshot is in Italian, and I apologize for that, but the message states:

"No suitable application record was found. Verify that the bundle ID 'com.crm.gruppoedico' is correct and that you are signed in with the same Apple ID used to access the app on App Store Connect."

I have created the certificates following the guide at this link:

The identifier in my Apple Developer account is com.crm.gruppoedico, the provisioning profile is Ad Hoc, and the certificate is iOS Distribution.

Is this procedure correct? What is the difference between the Developer provisioning profile and the Release provisioning profile?

View attachment 162906


Licensed User
I have resolved this issue; however, I am now getting this error: Validation failed (409)
This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory. (ID: ee7383de-b608-4648-8194-d8326f9d51c5
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