RB ist good for many things. It's very fast, small, stable, etc.
What I've done so far, too:
- Using it as an Apache server with MySQL (works great and fast as an inhouse solution). To keep it running a longer time, an external drive (ssd/hd) is needed because a sd-card gets corrupted/broken easily after a long period of reads/writes (-> database).
- B4J-non-ui-apps are great. LCD/GPIO's work like a charm. I'm using httputils (via php/MySQL) to control it. Better than some sockets because you can use it over the www (if you have a hosted site). All functions like encryption are supported. Nice.
- B4J-UI: Well... Since Oracle has removed JFX we can only use some ARM image. And it's not that optimal
- WIN10: My Wifi adapter isn't supported so I had to use a LAN cable. The device is found by Visual Studio and the debugger pushes the app to the RB. I didn't try some higher functions (like encryption) but it's very slow and not that comfortable. I don't know if Microsoft is really interested in the RB. However.
For non-ui apps B4J is the best solution for the RaspBerry. No other solution comes even close (except you want to use Python or any other language). Existing code can be reused. And... it's as fast as on your PC...