Hi All,
I'm doing a conversion of an Android app over to iOS. I started off using an iPone 5s to do all the testing. However, I got to a stage where I though I'd better test it out on an iPad. Unfortunately, things didn't work out well. I thought that testing between iPhone and an iPad would be just seeing the app running with more screen real-estate. I was wrong. I have found some quirks and issues between the two which I'm not sure how to address.
Has anyone here been successful in doing what I'm trying? I'd be interested to find out. My two devices are as follows;
iPhone 5s iOS 8.3
iPad 2 iOS 8.1
Amazing thing is my app which I have an Android version of works 100% the same on my Galaxy S (yes S) and Cube Talk 9X 9.7" tablet.
Here's a function that I use to populate a Scrollview with image thumbnails of pics taken by the camera. Works perfectly on my iPhone but not iPad. Can anyone spot any problems?
I'm doing a conversion of an Android app over to iOS. I started off using an iPone 5s to do all the testing. However, I got to a stage where I though I'd better test it out on an iPad. Unfortunately, things didn't work out well. I thought that testing between iPhone and an iPad would be just seeing the app running with more screen real-estate. I was wrong. I have found some quirks and issues between the two which I'm not sure how to address.
Has anyone here been successful in doing what I'm trying? I'd be interested to find out. My two devices are as follows;
iPhone 5s iOS 8.3
iPad 2 iOS 8.1
Amazing thing is my app which I have an Android version of works 100% the same on my Galaxy S (yes S) and Cube Talk 9X 9.7" tablet.
Here's a function that I use to populate a Scrollview with image thumbnails of pics taken by the camera. Works perfectly on my iPhone but not iPad. Can anyone spot any problems?
Dim FL As List
Dim i As Int = 0
Dim ivpreviousleft As Int = 5
Dim picdimensions As Int = 0
FL = File.ListFiles(Main.ImagesDir) 'list images taken for case
For Each filename In FL
Dim iv As ImageView 'create an ImageView for each bitmap
picdimensions = ScrollView1.ContentHeight - 4
iv.Tag = filename
iv.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(Main.ImagesDir, filename)
ScrollView1.Panel.AddView(iv, ivpreviousleft, 2, picdimensions, picdimensions)
iv.ContentMode = iv.MODE_FIT
iv.SetBorder(1, Colors.Red, 4)
ivpreviousleft = (iv.Left + iv.Width) + 5
i = i + 1
Log(iv.Left & ":" & iv.Width)