You can extract the aar-files (just unzip it). See
Lately I am using Android Studio and SLC for the building steps
(SLC is simply amazing - I don't know why I wasted so much time with Eclipse in the past for the building stage)
Thanks for your response, i will research...
In the meantime.... does SLC use intellisense etc? I am not good with the syntax and need at least that part of the IDE environment.
How do you use AS and SLC together? Do you use AS to import / create a jar and then use SLC for the B4A integration?
My steps are
1) use EC to import SDK
2) use EC to integrate B4A reference
3) use EC to create final jar for use in B4A code
Can I use AS to import the .aar file, add code and then export in a format that can be read by SLC?
I have download AS, but I had a hard time trying to load the .aar file (maybe because I was trying to do so as a project). I was under the impression that I could not use AS for for the integration but I could be wrong. Perhaps I can sub AS for eclipse and use the B4Ashared.jar and core.jar as with Eclipse?
Your help is appreciated.