The answer is more or less no. There isn't any reliable way to do it. Certainly not a "standard" way.
Up until Android 4.1 applications were able to read the logs. Some applications used the logs to track the intents. These intents cannot be intercepted in any other way.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your answer. Actually, we have many Android softwares that can do the action I need, for example "App Protector" which is providing a password screen everytime the user (or stranger) open a "protected" application. The user / stranger has to enter the password or PIN to access to that application. I mean, at least App Protector should know when user is opening other app, in order to pop up the protector screen.
Even to achieve such thing (to know when an application is open, for example Contacts) is still ok for me, but I don't know how to do this.
In Windows Mobile I remember we can use similar thing like intent to "listen" which application is "jumping" to the topmost window position and hence can know which app the user is opening or using...
Can we do that in Android & B4A. If not, then I wonder how App Protector can do it
Thanks again.