I have been updating my applications for a few days to implement the User Messaging Platform SDK and comply with Google's policies to remove the deprecated Personalized Ad Consent SDK.
In the configuration of the messages from Funding Choices I have only selected the purposes 2, 7 and 10 that only allow displaying NOT personalized ads.
However, in the part of modifying the message by hand, it only allows me to change the title of the message even if the personalized ads options are disabled.
I should add that in the ad settings from the Admob page, I have also chosen to only show non-personalized ads in my apps, so in my opinion I meet the requirements to show ads in kid's apps.
Well, Google has rejected the update of some of my apps with the attached screenshot saying that I do not comply with the policies of ads in the applications designated for families since ads displayed to children or users of unknown age must not involve interest-based advertising or remarketing.
I have appealed explaining all of the above but the answer is still the same capture. What bothers me is that other of my applications (curiously the less popular) have been updated without problems. Is there anyone who has had this happen and found a solution?