Android Question Is it worth learning B4A?

Expert opinions often appear on the Internet that smartphones may become a thing of the past in the coming years, that they will be replaced by other gadgets.
Is it worth it to seriously study programming for Android (iOS) in this case?
How much longer can smartphones (and tablets) last?


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Since ChatGPT is opened to the public, there are tons of questions everywhere that developers will be replaced by AI (in coming years).
If it is true, then why bother to learn ANY programming language?
Some Microsoft lead developers have publicly discussed this. They -- do -- expect that the actual coder jobs will disappear, but that -- architects -- will still be around to supervise the overall project and to tell the AI what to specifically implement. Of course, this being Microsoft devs, they think in bigger projects than what most people here on this forum will be working on.

And that discussion was before the release of ChatGPT 4. And no-one can currently predict the capabilities that ChatGPT will have in three years from now. And in three years, Elon Musk already wants to mass product and sell Tesla Bots.

At the current pace, I expect that most people will be unemployed in five to ten years. Unconditional Basic Income is something that must be implemented globally by then or we will be facing severe social problems and also riots. And no, this is not Science Fiction anymore, but a highly probable scenario.
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Actually, I started programming way back in 1979.
So you can probably imagine what it was like for me getting a full-time job as a programmer, for a manufacturer, back in 1969. Having first got my hands on one to play with as an apprentice with another manufacturer, in the mid-1960s. Writing on coding sheets which were punched up onto cards for reading into the machine. Only the operator had a VDU...
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After smartphones, it will be brain implants.
It's going to be great to code in B4X for these implants.
Might as well learn for now with gadgets such as smartphones.
The big machinery will arrive later and we will be ready.

I see it coming... B4ISG... Basic 4 In-Scull-Gudgets...
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Yes but I'm still not sure whether B4B-Bridge will work with USB or wifi

There is always ultra sound... We just need a WiFi2US bridge gadget...
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The rest of the world has Chat GPT and we have Erel !!!

Who cares about the rest of the world !!!

About the original question, my answer - "Learning is never a wasted activity"
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Did those experts also assume that smartphones and especially tablets would retire PCs?
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I hope that Erel has a lot of family (many children), and that they love him half as much as we love him so that they continue to show the industry for many years that you don't have to be a giant to be great.
I started with BASIC from the spectrum, and here I continue with Basic. Since I'm a professional (excuse my impudence), now I do things in C#, but I still produce faster and more comfortable with Basic.
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Well-Known Member
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Since ChatGPT is opened to the public, there are tons of questions everywhere that developers will be replaced by AI (in coming years).
If it is true, then why bother to learn ANY programming language?
Chat GPT is not real AI, its nothing but a clever parrot.

Without the training data it "borrowed" from stack overflow etc it would know nothing. Once websites start blocking these models from using their content (for free?) they wont be useful for programming. It would still be useful for writing essays etc but generating code not so much...

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For your own personal projects: Yes, B4X is easy, fun, and fast to get going. The community is still active with a few members still posting updates (although I feel we could use a lot more).

For your career and professional life: Learn whatever the job market demands
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