Android Question Is there a B4X implementation of the new "Google Identity Toolkit"


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For my next project there is the need of authentication of the users.

Instead of cooking my own cumbersome mechanism I would like to use professional constructed libraries and found this at GoogleDevelopers:
Google Identity Toolkit enables app and website makers to easily support multiple authentication options for their end users. The service currently supports password authentication in addition to federated sign in with Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, Paypal, and AOL. Even non-technical developers are able to add future login options and migrate existing users with simple configuration changes.

There is a detailed description of every step to do, but it's about their techno-jungle with Github and xml-editing and ...

Since I prefer the transparent world of B4X with easy to understand solutions I was wondering if anyone here has an effective approach to make use of this.​

I know how to register the app at the identity providers, but I don't know how to build it effectivley at the B4X side.