Is there a commands list?


New Member
I have been programming in BASIC of one kind or another, on and off, for quite a long time.

I'm currently experimenting with the demo version of Basic4Android to see if it's for me. It seems an incredibly powerful and versatile form of the language.

However, as I understand it, it's largely inspired by Visual Basic, which I have no experience of at all. In fact it's very different from any kind of BASIC I've used before. This is making it hard for me to work out.

It's especially hard since I simply cannot find any explanations of a lot of things. I have been following Klaus's Beginner's Guide, which has been very helpful - at least to start with. I can work out what most of the code for the first couple of examples must mean. But still there are mysteries. Take p. 40, just as an example, where we encounter the code:

Dim Send As Button
Send = Sender

What does this mean? No explanation is given regarding what "Sender" means or what it does.

That's just a minor example; I have been working through a lot of the other tutorials available on this site, and while they are good as illustrations of what various features of the language can do, it is often very hard to understand just how they're doing it, because I can't find any explanations of what the basic commands actually mean.

So my question is: is there a simple command list somewhere that will explain unfamiliar commands to me? Or are most of these things identical to parallel commands in Visual Basic, and is there an assumption that new users will already be familiar with Visual Basic? If so, is there a recommended introduction to, or command list for, Visual Basic that would be appropriate for someone wanting to use B4A?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have been following Klaus's Beginner's Guide,... .But still there are mysteries. Take p. 40, just as an example, where we encounter the code:

Dim Send As Button
Send = Sender

What does this mean? No explanation is given regarding what "Sender" means or what it does.
Will be added in the next update.

What are the other points you are missing ?
Please post those with other improvment suggestions in the Beginner's Guide tutorial.

Best regards.
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New Member
Erel, thank you for the links. I had found most of these but somehow not the core list. It looks very helpful.

Klaus, I will try to make the posts you suggest.

Thank you both for such quick help, and I'm sorry to have taken so long to reply back!
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