Android Question Is there a way to change how bitmaps with an alpha channel are drawn?


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I want to make a graphics editing program for Galaxy Notes, and the main thing for such a program would be a paint brush tool. But that tool requires a way to draw shapes with transparency, over each other without a visible intersection.

ie: new alpha of a pixel = the larger of the existing alpha, and the alpha of a pixel being drawn on top of it.

But the current drawbitmap sub just draws them over top of each other

(The red dot is just an example, I'd need it to work for any image with transparency/translucency)

I could do the math myself, drawing it pixel by pixel, but that is A LOT slower.


  • Untitled.png
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I didn't think it'd be this fast, but I did it pixel by pixel

'TransferMode: 0=MAX(Src,Dest)
Sub MergeAlphaLayers(DestImage As Bitmap, SrcBrush As Bitmap, DestX As Int, DestY As Int, Center As Boolean, TransferMode As Int) As Boolean
   Dim Width As Int = SrcBrush.Width, Height As Int = SrcBrush.Height, tempX As Int, tempY As Int, SrcX As Int, SrcY As Int, SrcAlpha As Int, DestAlpha As Int
   If Center Then
     DestX = DestX - SrcBrush.Width * 0.5
     DestY = DestY - SrcBrush.Height * 0.5  
   End If
   If DestX > DestImage.Width Or DestY > DestImage.Height Then Return False
   If DestX < 0 Then
     SrcX = Abs(DestX)
     Width = Width - SrcX
     DestX = 0
   End If
   If DestY < 0 Then
     SrcY = Abs(DestY)
     Height = Height - SrcY
     DestY = 0
   End If
   tempX = DestX + Width
   If tempX > DestImage.Width Then Width = Width - (tempX - DestImage.Width)
   tempY = DestY + Height
   If tempY > DestImage.Height Then Height = Height - (tempY - DestImage.Height)
   If Width < 1 Or Height < 1 Then Return False
   Dim Pixels As Int = Width*Height, DestPixels(Pixels) As Int, SrcPixels(Pixels) As Int, ExDraw As ABExtDrawing = LCAR.ExDraw', tempSrcX As Int, tempSrcY As Int = SrcY, tempDestX As Int, tempDestY As Int = DestY
   ExDraw.getPixels(SrcBrush, SrcPixels, 0, Width, SrcX,SrcY,Width,Height)
   ExDraw.getPixels(DestImage, DestPixels, 0, Width, DestX,DestY,Width,Height)
   For tempX = 0 To Pixels - 1
     SrcAlpha = GetARGB(SrcPixels(tempX), 0)
     If SrcAlpha > 0 Then
       DestAlpha = GetARGB(DestPixels(tempX), 0)
       Select Case TransferMode
         Case 0
           DestPixels(tempX) = SetARGB(SrcPixels(tempX), 0, Max(SrcAlpha, DestAlpha))
       End Select
     End If
   ExDraw.setPixels(DestImage, DestPixels, 0, Width, DestX, DestY, Width, Height)
   Return True
End Sub

'Channel: 0=A, 1=R, 2=G, 3=B
'Replaces the byte of the ARGB channel with Value (which must be 0-255)
Sub SetARGB(Color As Int, Channel As Int, Value As Int) As Int
   Value = Max(0,Min(Value,255))
   Select Case Channel
     Case 0'Alpha
       Color = Bit.And(Color, 0x00ffffff)
       Value = Bit.ShiftLeft(Value, 24)
     Case 1'Red
       Color = Bit.And(Color, 0xff00ffff)
       Value = Bit.ShiftLeft(Value, 16)
     Case 2'Green
       Color = Bit.And(Color, 0xffff00ff)
       Value = Bit.ShiftLeft(Value, 8)
     Case 3'Blue
       Color = Bit.And(Color, 0xffffff00)
   End Select
   Return Bit.Or(Color,Value)
End Sub

'Channel: 0=A, 1=R, 2=G, 3=B
Sub GetARGB(Color As Int, Channel As Int) As Int
  Select Case Channel
     Case 0: Return Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.And(Color, 0xff000000), 24)'A
     Case 1: Return Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.And(Color, 0xff0000), 16)'R
     Case 2: Return Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.And(Color, 0xff00), 8)'G
     Case 3: Return Bit.And(Color, 0xff)'B
  End Select
End Sub
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That's the exact opposite of what I wanted though. The intersection is what I DIDNT want
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