iOS Question Is there a way to sell Apple iOS apps through a channel other than Apple?

Andrew (Digitwell)

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No. Not to sell at the point of download.

You can provide access to an app for 120 days with Firebase Distribution. I use it for testing. It is easier than Test Flight.

Once the user has installed the app. I believe they can keep using it. Monetising it would have to be done via another route.
I've put a STRIPE library up on the forum which could be used, I think.
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Andrew (Digitwell)

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You have a good point,yes you still need to have the UDID of the users phone with Firebase so you are restricted to 100 phone ids per year. You need a store certificate which is not limited, but you cannot upload that sort of app to firebase.

So this would not work for your use case.
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You don't need users UDID but their email if they install with TestFlight.
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