Android Question Is this a BUG?! Why does this weird stuff happen?


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I am comparing the selected item in a Listview... to a selected item in a Spinner

and you can see the log sheet for the corresponding values... ie..

ListView1.GetItem(list1_click) = 2
Spinner1.GetItem(spinner_click) = 2

so when i am comparing them..
this is suppose to be a TRUE... but in the IF Then condition.. it jumps to ELSE??? why is that???
(list1_click and spinner_click)... are only to save the array No. of the item selected
is there something wrong with the code??? or does it not work with numbers????



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I had similar issues only it was comparing values from a Button.Tag. If I logged both values they appeared the same, but in a compare weren't!
I suspect it was a issue of variable types, so I solved it by explicitly forcing them to be integers I.e.

dim lval, sval as int
lval = ListView1.GetItem(list1_click)
sval = Spinner1.GetItem(spinner_click)

It worked for me,
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hey douglas.. thats what i did too.. then it worked
i saved both of them in variables.. and then compared them... it did work!
But still ... its weird.. beats my logic!?!

Erel... buddy.. heres the stuff.. i was doing a lill RnD with them... the click event of Button1 is where i got stuck...
its where im comparing a selected item from the LISTVIEW with a selected item from SPINNER

the click event of Button2.. works fine...


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You are comparing 2 with "2". The compiler cannot know the type because the variables type in this case is Object.
You should explicitly set the type.
For example:
Dim s1 = ListView1.GetItem(list1_click), s2 = Spinner1.GetItem(spinner_click) As String
If s1 = s2 ...

Note that you should use File - Export as zip when uploading projects.
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oh!!!! ok... i get it... thanx.. this made sense..

yup will use the file export function. .. dint know about it

guys.. thanx once again : -)
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