Is this possible.


Licensed User
Longtime User
A friend approached me with a project idea... It seems easy in theory but I am lost as to get one spot menu to be available; if even possible. The rest is easy and straightforward.

Ok.. I get a TEXT from my buddy Joe.

I open the default messenger app, click on Joes' TEXT ... Now if I do a long tap on his message, i get a menu with "share", "forward", "Translate", etc --

Can I add my own clickable option to that list to handle or redirect that message to my own app? Is this what intents are? Where would I even look for this?

Thanks in advance!



Licensed User
Longtime User
You should add an intent filter as Erel said in his answer.

   <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND"></action>
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
   <data android:mimeType="text/plain" />

If you add this intent filter to your activity then your app should show in the share list of the most apps.
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