B4J Question Issue with Form not showing controls


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I have just created a new B4XPages project, and when I have tried to run this on my Windows 10 machine, it just returns a blank screen, I have tried the solutions already stated in the forums but to no avail. I am on the current windows 10 2004 build, B4J 8.50 and Java JDK as suggested. Any ideas on how to fix?

Thanks in advance

Brian Dean

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Any ideas on how to fix?
My first idea is that you have made an error - just a wild guess, but we all make mistakes sometime. Very unlikely to be caused by your Windows 10, B4J or JDK versions, so that information has limited value. Maybe if you upload your project someone will take a look - without it there are simply too many possibilities to make a useful guess. Use the "Export as zip" option in the "File" menu.
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Make sure you have all the NET frameworks installed. For the IDE to work. Just my two cents :cool:?
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This is a fresh install of B4J, i have all the NET Frameworks installed. The IDE works fine and loads correctly. The project that I am using the the standard one when you create it from New->B4XPages, but i have attached it here also.


  • Project.zip
    8.2 KB · Views: 178
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Brian Dean

Well-Known Member
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Sorry - looks like I was wrong. Although you show as a "New Member" on the Forum your profile shows that you joined in 2014 so I assumed that you had other projects that were working.

Your uploaded project works fine for me, as you predicted. I am afraid that I have nothing to suggest at the moment.
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Brian Dean

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Just to add to the suggestion from @ThRuST, I once got into a situation (after running a batch job that turned out to be a mistake) where I could not get B4A or B4J to run properly. Reinstalling Windows (something that I had never needed to do before) was the only way out, although I am not sure why. It worked, but it is a lot of hassle getting everything else back to normal. Good luck.
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Did you check your antivirus/firewall? Could them block (or "contain") your app in some way?
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Yes all checked even disabled it and disconnected from the internet just to make sure. Still at a loss on what it could be.
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Try to update your videocard drivers, update Windows and uninstall/reinstall JDK.
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Removed all the JDK's i had installed and B4J, reinstalled as per the instructions and it has now started to work. thanks for all the advice
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