B4R Question Issue with library rAdafruitSSD1306 (version 1.1)...


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Dear friends,
I am using Arduino Nano with an OLED SSD1306. The library is working fine but takes up a lot of memory as it reserves some memory as image buffer and leads to microcontroller instability. (Compiler also warns the same). My application requires only display of ASCII text. Is there a way to use SSD1306 only for ASCII. I found an open source library here https://github.com/greiman/SSD1306Ascii
The library works great with Arduino IDE. Have tried using inline C but am having problems passing values.Can some one please wrap this library for use with B4R?


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Thanks for the pointer, but I had already been there. The point is, I am using Arduino Nano with much less memory than ESP32 and I need only text display and not graphics. Could do it using inline C but hoped for a B4R library.
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