Name: jAPNS
Version: 1.0
Description: jAPNS allows you to access Apple's Token-based Http/2 APNS API in order to send iOS Push Notifications
Feel free to ask questions
Version: 1.0
Description: jAPNS allows you to access Apple's Token-based Http/2 APNS API in order to send iOS Push Notifications
- B4J v7+ and OpenJDK 11 are required
- for detailed information concerning properties and response errors have a look at Apple's documentation:
- The B4X push server & Firebase are working with the (older, but maintained) certificate based solution, however for beginner it's still recommended to use Firebase
- the APNS topic must correspond to your bundle id
- with the new API you will get a direct server response, therefore a request to a "Feedback server" is not needed
- you can use one APNS key for all of your Apps
Feel free to ask questions
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